The Power of Purity

This photo of me feels like its from a time long gone when in reality, it's only been six years. Taken by my son as I visited him in Atlanta, it represents one of the best vacations I've ever had. Out time together was great, but I also loved just seeing something new.
But a lot can happen in six years...
In six years, life can harden or soften you, season you or suffocate you, purify or paralyze you.
Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God. ~Matthew 5:8, New International Version
With everything you've been through I ask you...
When will you set yourself free to see God?
Will you once again become like the one God knew before your mother's womb?
Will you be vulnerable enough to be pure in heart?
It was Peter's pure heart that saw Jesus as he is - the Messiah, the Son of the Living God.
Jesus replied, “Blessed are you, Simon son of Jonah, for this was not revealed to you by flesh and blood, but by my Father in heaven. ~Matthew 16:17, NIV
It was the purity of his heart, the authenticity of his love for Christ that freed his mind's eye to a revelation of Jesus beyond the skin he was in.
Purity invites God's presence.
We don't have to wait to see Christ. When our hearts are aligned with his love, we are free to see him in our lives everyday.
Recently, I found the piece below in one of my many journals. It was written at least a year ago but reading it these past few days felt like fresh water. Pure. It made me feel once again like the woman in that picture:
Your love is a love I can love with,
Be awakened by your sunshine and brush my teeth with,
Wash the matter from my eyes and just breathe with,
Put on my fuzzy slippers and sip tea with.
The days you've loved me I cannot count,
And yet, you count my every tear.
My love for you is inadequate,
And yet, you say it's all you need.
Your waters wash over me.
I can drown in your affection and still live!
Oh, that I could run away from life with you,
Instead you give me strength to abide in you.
To be in this world and not of it,
To hate the evil amongst me and still celebrate all the God I see.
God - the Keeper of My Heart,
Jesus - the Lover of My Soul,
Holy Spirit - The Lifter of My Downcast Head,
You three complete me.
Let me create new ways to love you,
New beats for your rain to drop to,
Something simple, pure, and sweet to pat your foot to,
Only because I see you and I love you.
You had me at "Hello".
Now, I am yours forever.
Your love is a love I can with with.
Don't let life keep you bound. There is a love you can live with, a place of purity in you ready to breath free and see your Forever God. Drown in his affection and live!
Can you feel it? The momentum is building! Thank God we're FREE!!
Join me for Friday's "QT w/GOD n Me" and let's get serious about being free. Until then,
I'd love to know how GOD n Me has blessed your life!
Be sure to post in the comments or send me a message through the "Contact Us" page!
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FridaY Nights @ 7pm

Phillipa also the Founder of ilooklikeLOVE, Inc., a 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organization providing diaper assistance to families in need and opportunities for mothers to empower themselves.
Look for her upcoming book,
GOD n You: Finding Your Place in Forever.