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Should God Have to Wait?

Writer: Phillipa WilliamsPhillipa Williams


Let's call it what it is. Divine procrastination. I do not know a person who calls themselves a Christian that would openly state that God should wait on us and yet we all in some form or another continue to lower or limit the priorities of Heaven. I thank God that God is a patient God, but even his patience wears thin.

You Say You Want to Live in His Presence...

Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship. ~Romans 12:1, New International Version





This month, we will unpack what it means to be a living sacrifice. As we do, remember a few things...

The sacrifices you are called to make include your mentality and physicality. Be present.

Sacrifices must come from a pure place and not be agenda-driven.

Any sacrifice that meets the first two criteria will elevate your adoration of Christ beyond the praise and worship hour on Sundays to an authentic, daily rhythm of appreciative reflection exposing itself through thought and deed.

If you want to live in his presence, this is what it looks like.

Are you okay with that?

The veil has been rent in two. No longer do we need a priest to enter the Holy of Holies and make sacrifices for us. The Blood of the Lamb - Jesus our Redeemer - paid for our access to the Kingdom. We just have to ask ourselves,

"Do I want in or not?"

It is matter of life on the periphery as an outlier or life connected and engaged with the Source.

It sounds good and "church-y" when we say we want to live in his presence, that we want to be a living sacrifice.

So what's the problem?

If this is your goal, developing opportunities to stay on beat with a beloved savior should not be an issue.

Getting Our Houses in Order

"How much is too much?"

"What will I have to give up to give God this?"

"What will my obedience cost me?"

"Will it be worth it?"

When we take this approach about sacrifice, we are not actually questioning the investment of time nor the investments of talent, treasure, or temple. We are questioning the trade-off.

You and I can use our workloads, kids, and other commitments to justify our lack or limited response to Christ's clarion call, but we know the truth. And so does he.

Are you praying for an abundant life you will not make time for?

This is not about a schedule.

It is about shifting how you think about loving and serving God, trusting the Master Architect to build your life on the foundation of your love for him.

You ready to live in his presence? Good. The God of Time and Eternity is waiting.

If you have ever felt like the days, weeks, months are going by too fast... felt as if time has picked up the pace... I encourage you to do what it takes to receive the more of God awaiting you.

Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but be a new and different person with a fresh newness in all you do and think. Then you will learn from your own experience how his ways will really satisfy you. ~Romans 12:2, Living Bible


About Phillipa

At seven years old, Phillipa Williams fell in love with Christ and never looked back. For over forty years, she has dedicated her life to building God’s kingdom, teaching and equipping thousands to serve God and people.

But God has always wanted more.


In 2019, as the Founder/CEO of GOD n Me International, she launched the blog (now to "give people something for the journey". Named one of the "Top 10 Black Christian Blogs, Websites, Newsletters To Follow“ by for several years, help people all over the globe find the courage to answer God's call. 


In Spring 2022, Phillipa published her first book, GOD 'n You: Finding Your Place in Forever. and completed her licensing and ministerial requirements at the Potter's House School of Ministry in Dallas, Texas where she currently serves.

As an advocate for single mothers, Phillipa is also founder of ilooklikeLOVE, Inc.., a nonprofit providing capacity-building programming to women with young children. 

She is the proud parent on one adult son, Kenneth.


GOD n Me International 

1301 E Parkerville Road, Ste A7 #1195

Desoto, Texas 75115

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