Let the Master Be Your Motivation

Just found this old poem. Hope it blesses you today as it did me....
The Master is Mine
He performs wonders that cannot be fathomed. My Lord. My God. Mine. He is mine to keep yet still give away. My Lord. My God. Mine. I can hold Him close and still share Him Him with the world. My Lord. My God. Mine. My Adonai. Master, you move me like no one else. You love me without doubt or hesitation. You bend your ear to me, speak tenderly. My Lord. My God. Mine. Your love is complete. It satisfies flesh and soul. Because of you, everything good is available to me. Because of you, my Adonai. My Master. My Lord.
My God. Mine.
Let Adonai, the one who is in control, motivate you this week to pursue the MORE you've been looking for.
If you were blessed today, let me know in the comments or give us a heart!
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Time to break the cycle of hesitation and live on purpose!
