How to Finally Get the Wisdom You Need

Wisdom is the principal thing; Therefore get wisdom. And in all your getting, get understanding. ~Proverbs 4:7, New King James Version
But how?
How do you make sure what you receive from others is coming from the source of all wisdom - Jesus the Christ? Here are three key exercises you must do if you desire a heart of wisdom:
Have an Honest Conversation with God
Just because God gave us dominion in the earth does not mean we know everything. We do not. Hopefully, the older you get the more you realize how little you know. Happens to me all the time.
One of the greatest examples of honesty and humility is King Solomon, emphasis on King. With riches and counsel beyond measure, Solomon was positioned to follow in the footsteps of his iconic father, King David. He had the world at his feet, yet still understood these were big shoes to fill...
“Now, Lord my God, you have made your servant king in place of my father David. But I am only a little child and do not know how to carry out my duties. Your servant is here among the people you have chosen, a great people, too numerous to count or number. ~1 Kings 3:7-8, New International Version
Why would Heaven waste its' time imparting wisdom if we think we know it all?
Solomon was honest with God and himself about his limitations. Are you?
Don't Just Lean In, but Glean from People Who Have Conversations with God
And God gave Solomon exceptionally much wisdom and understanding, and breadth of mind like the sand of the seashore. ~1 Kings 4:29, ABCE
In addition to his unprecedented ruling of Israel, King Solomon went on to write 3000 proverbs (many of them canonized in the book of Proverbs) and the Song of Songs. One of the more interesting sections of Proverbs is chapters 25-29. It begins:
These proverbs of Solomon were discovered and copied by the aides of King Hezekiah of Judah: ~Proverbs 25:1, Living Bible
To say King Hezekiah's reign over Judah was a roller-coaster ride would be an understatement. From reopening, consecrating, and celebrating the temple, to Assyria's evil plots, to the trickery of Babylon, Hezekiah was a king who understood the need for wisdom. As a result, two hundred years later, he gleaned thirty-seven of King Solomon's proverbs to help him navigate his own rule.
Like Ruth in the fields of Boaz, Hezekiah picked up choice pieces of Solomon's "food for thought" to nourish him during his leadership.
Who or what is nourishing you?
King Hezekiah lived 200 years after Solomon, but still knew who to go to.
The All-Wise God our Father will give you what you ask, but he will also connect you to who or what you need.
Hezekiah copied those proverbs for the same reason we read Proverbs today. We know Solomon had a God-hearing, God-fearing heart.
Solomon talked to God and God listened and talked back to him.
It's not about their followers, likes, or membership. Not about their vibe, flow, or cadence. It's about their covenant relationship with God.
If you are seeking a pastor, leader, mentor, or even a friend to pour wisdom into you, check their prayer record. Do they pray? Have you ever heard them pray? Check their fruit. Not their stats, their fruit. Check their reputation in the Kingdom. If having wisdom means I need to have a God-listening heart, i need for them to have the same. How about you?
Discern Divine Timing
The right word at the right time is like a custom-made piece of jewelry, And a wise friend’s timely reprimand is like a gold ring slipped on your finger. ~Proverbs 25:11-12, Message Translation
Something else that stands out in the Solomon-Hezekiah dynamic was Hezekiah's ability to identify what he needed for the season he was in. Proverbs 25-29 focuses greatly on leadership, justice, and how to govern effectively. As I looked back over Hezekiah's story, I could see how many of his actions as King may have been directly influenced by King Solomon.
The right word at the right time.
I hope you see these three elements for what they were intended - the right word at the right time. In the meantime, remember I love you but God loves you so much more.

