Blessed to Be a Safe Place

Do You Feel "Safe"?
“Zebulun will live by the seashore and become a haven for ships; his border will extend toward Sidon.
~Genesis 49:8-13, New International Version
Some of the most loving, most kind people I know are quick to make this statement:
"I don't like people."
Truth is that every person I have ever heard express this or something similar is
one that I have also seen
give people a second chance,
give people their ear,
and on occasion give people the shirt off their back.
They love people but grow weary of what it takes to love. They want to withdraw for their own protection but find it hard to do so when they see a need.
Do people consistently see Christ in you? If so, you are a safe place, a haven.
Are you quick to listen and slow to speak? Are you generous to what the world would call " a fault"? If this is you, it is time to find comfort in how God made you, comfort with the season He has you in, and most of all comfort in knowing Jesus has got your back.
You are safe in His arms.
Throughout the Old Testament, we see the tribe of Zebulun extending themselves beyond the norm through resources and soldiers. They were men of integrity who could be trusted. In the Promised Land, the position of their allocation was between two seas - a haven for ships. It served as a place of safety, but it also positioned them to be blessed
One person gives freely, yet gains even more; another withholds unduly, but comes to poverty.
A generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will be refreshed. ~ Proverbs 11:24-25, NIV
All-Sufficient God,
We are not asking for accolades. We know you see our sacrifices when no one else does. We need a refreshing. You understand the draw of people and their problems on us, and yet you call us to be a place of safety for others. Bless us with a refreshing of your Spirit, oh Lord, when we feel depleted. Be our haven. Keep us consistent to your will without becoming jaded. Make the burden light because of our obedience.
Father, we believe you for the provision needed to complete our assignment. We believe you for balance between taking care of self and taking care of others. We believe you will give us everything we need to love people like you do. In Jesus' name. Amen.
One who gives freely gains even more. If you are a haven, own it. If not, pray for those who have been there for you and consider how you can pay it forward.

The blood of Jesus has ingrafted all who believe into the coverage and blessings of God. Join me as we look at how the prophetic utterances of Jacob upon his sons in Genesis 49 speak life into our dreams and aspirations today!
Tomorrow's Blessing:
The Blessing of
Be sure to check your email each afternoon for a new prayer!
The GOD 'n Me Guide to FASTING Make this year's fast a transformational experience!

"Sista, are you comfortable with the "you" GOD created? When will you let her come out and play? Or are you going to allow scrutiny and judgement to paralyze the best in you?"
~ From the chapter titled, "The Truth About You" NO MORE HESITATION IN THE NEW YEAR! GET YOUR COPY TODAY!
